
Business Model & Strategy | Brand Identity | Design Thinking | Creative Direction | Visual Design


3 Months (2023)

Project Type

Collaborative Project


Imagine the excitement of a new city,

London's vibrant energy...

and the sudden pang of loneliness.

This is the reality for many

international students.

We Set Out to change that.

This case study explores "OV'R 2 YOU," a game born from a collaborative project at the University of the Arts London. Witnessing the challenges faced by international students – a struggle to belong in a new city – we embarked on a Human Centred Design journey. The outcome resulted into a unique card game fostering connections and offering an interactive pathway to navigate the complexities of life in a new city.





students face mental health issues when moving to a new country


students struggle to break the ice and make friends in new cities.


Having walked this path myself during my higher studies in a new country, I couldn't help but notice the prevalent feeling of disconnect.

Research revealed the harsh reality – navigating life in London as an international student often leads to loneliness, cultural shock, and difficulties in forming meaningful connections. The weight of these challenges can lead to significant mental health issues and a strong desire for increased social support.

The initial observation of isolation went deeper. It revealed a significant challenge for international students – the need for a sense of belonging.

The Struggle is Real

Our research identified four key stressors impacting international students:

Culture Shock

Work-Life Balance

Language Barriers


Research Question

How might we design an engaging initiative to help foster a sense of belonging and strengthen connections among international university students in London? 


The Power of Play

Tackling the Challenge,

One Card at a Time

'OV'R 2 YOU' isn't just about entertainment; it's a gateway to self-discovery and building genuine connections.

Each time the cards are shuffled, it unlocks a journey of growth and togetherness. The game directly tackles the challenges faced by international students. Feelings of isolation and cultural shock are countered by fostering a strong sense of belonging, being the perfect icebreaker for forming meaningful connections. 'OV'R 2 YOU' is also budget-friendly, making it easily accessible for all students to join the fun and build their support system.

Understanding the Essence of OV’R 2 YOU

"OV'R 2 YOU" is guided by four core areas of student life: Mind & Body, Relationships, Career & Passion, and Lifestyle. These "beacons" serve as a framework for conversation, prompting self-discovery and shared experiences. Each area is explored through a three-part structure:

Light Reflection: Introductory questions get the conversation flowing and encourage participants to get to know each other.

Deeper Understanding: As the game progresses, questions delve deeper, fostering meaningful connections.

Profound Bonds: The final section encourages vulnerability and shared experiences, solidifying newfound friendships.

And finally Building the Bridges, Literally

Adding a playful touch, the cards interlock at the corners, allowing players to build a physical structure together throughout the game. This not only adds a fun layer to the experience but also serves as a tangible symbol of the connections being formed.

"OV'R 2 YOU" goes beyond a simple game

it's a Social Bridge

a platform for shared experiences

a path to belonging in a new city.

We prototyped cards, testing various sizes, settling on 3x3 inches for optimal handling and readability. We printed 60 vibrant cards on durable paper for longevity.

Focus groups provided valuable feedback on visual design, card structure, and category placement, influencing gameplay improvements.

Prioritising player safety, we conducted strength tests, resolving concerns with laser cutting by using acrylic sheet stencils for manual cutting.

Students engaged in play testing sessions, validating our efforts and offering insights for finalising the game for market launch.

Testing the Waters

"The visual identity of "OV’R 2 YOU" game is vibrant, fun, and friendly, with energetic colours, playful typography, and unique card designs. It's designed to excite students, particularly during evening house parties, and is perfect for sharing on social media.

Primary Logo

Colour Palette


Aqua Sonic


Twilight Purple


Electric Blue


Orange Burst


Sunbeam Yellow

Pink Crush


Lemon Zest


Jungle Green





Header Font

Body Font

I am the luckiest guy.

I am Epilogue Bold.

Yes! Definitely an Epilogue Regular too.

Career & Passion





Mind and Body



User Testing


Crafting its Identity

The ask was for a catalyst for organic connections formed in the classroom and the new city while ensuring we don’t disrupt the student’s daily life and budget. The answer was a card game that helps:

Project Outcome

From Data to Action

The Heart of OV’R 2 YOU

Foster a sense of belonging

Ensure ease of accessibility

Make it affordable on a student-friendly budget

Most importantly, create a fun and unique way to engage people

It uses an interactive prompts to foster self-reflection, emotional resilience, and deeper connections, promoting personal growth, emotional well-being, and a sense of belonging – all within a fun and affordable package for students and newcomers.

Secondary Research Insights

What the Data tells us



of international students expressed a desire for assistance in maintaining social connections

of international students reported grappling with mental health issues, highlighting the pressing need for support and resources.

Goal : To gather key insights and statistics on challenges faced by international students in London, aiding primary research and informing targeted interventions.

Among university students, the top three mental health conditions were




Primary Research Insights

Getting a Reality Check - Unveiling the Stories

I struggled to form meaningful connections with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and found it challenging to acclimate to a new environment.

I was hoping to find a support system to survive the ups and downs of moving to a new country. But soon I realised that even though I made a good amount of friends, there wasn’t a deeper connection.


admitted feeling nervous when engaging with a new group of people.


expressed that the highs and lows of relocating to a new city impacted their mental health significantly.

Goal : To deeply understand the experiences, challenges, coping strategies, and unmet needs of international students in London.






Analysis & Implementation Methods used in each stage




Stakeholder Mapping

Desk Research

Case Studies



People + Need

Online Surveys


User Personas

Competitor Benchmarking

Value Proposition

Business Canvas Model

SWOT Analysis



Brand Positioning

Visual Language

Marketing Strategy

Production Research


Test + Learn


Focus groups

Digital printing


User Testing

Our design framework was adapted from the traditional Human Centric Design framework to suit our project better. It consisted of four stages: Discover, Empathise, Create, and Implement. Through extensive research and empathetic understanding, we aimed to address the challenges of cultural adjustment and foster a strong sense of belonging and connection within the international student community. Each stage was meticulously designed to ensure that our game resonates deeply with its intended audience, serving as both entertainment and a tool for cultural integration.

Unveiling the path -

From Problem to Play


Behind the Scenes | Production | Focus Groups | Play Testing

Learnings and Experiences

This project was deeply personal, addressing an issue close to all our hearts, yet it blossomed into a comprehensive entrepreneurial exploration. It delved deep into design thinking for social impact, fostering personal growth and refining my project management skills. Bringing the game concept to life was exhilarating, filled with playful moments and invaluable lessons.

Obstructions as Opportunities

The project also came with some hurdles. Staying objective as key stakeholders was challenging, but we held each other accountable. Breaking into an oversaturated market required strategic manoeuvring, while production pressures demanded innovation. Through resilient teamwork, we turned every challenge into an opportunity for growth.

Projecting Forward

Positioned for expansion, our project aims to integrate Over to You into educational and community settings, capitalising on its potential highlighted during the soft launch. As of now we are in the process of engaging with UAL faculty and community events to signify our commitment to fostering deeper connections through play.

Reflections and Future Projections

Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Growth


Thank You for Reading!

Co-creators/ The team of CrossThoughts

Anuriti Sarkar (Visual Design, Research, Ideation)

Francisca Maria jorge de Carvalho Norton de Matos (Finance and Marketing, Research, Ideation)

Natasha Shashikant (Project Management and Organisation, Research, Ideation)

Sahil Bhatti (Creative Direction, Research, Ideation)


Romero Bryan

Coffee’s brewed, brains cells are

(somewhat) awake.

Let’s design magic!

©️ 2024 Anuriti Sarkar
